Wednesday 19 October 2011



Health care
NHS Direct is the health advice and information service provided by the National Health Service (NHS) for residents and visitors in England, with advice offered 24 hours a day, every day of the year through telephone contact on the national 0845 46 47 number, web based symptom checkers at and via mobile, both as apps for iPhone and Android smart phones and a mobile website. As a part of the National Health Service, all NHS Direct services are free at the point of care.
NHS Direct's vision
To be the national healthline, providing expert health advice, information and reassurance, using our world class telephone service and website, and to be the NHS’ provider of choice for telephone and digitally delivered health services.
They don’t just help over the telephone they offer over services, these services include:
  • Out of hours support for GPs and dental services
  • Telephone support for patients with long-term conditions
  • Pre and post-operative support for patients
  • 24 hour response to health scares
  • Remote clinics via telephone

The advantage of this is that you can get quick help of you are ill and unable to get to the doctors or maybe don’t have the time to the doctors. It also helps people that maybe too embarrassed to see a doctor about their problem. However there are disadvantages, you may not be able to diagnose some of the symptoms that doctors might so you might not get an accurate diagnosis. You may also think you have an illness but you might have a different one which means you are treating it wrong.
UCAS is the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service it is the British admission service for students applying to university and college. UCAS is primarily funded by students who pay a fee when they apply and a capitation fee from universities for each student they accept.
This is good because it allows students that want to study at university a quick and easy way to apply they can also easily find out if they are in via an E-mail.
E-petitions are an easy way for you to influence government policy in the UK. You can create an e-petition about anything that the government is responsible for and if it gets at least 100,000 signatures, it will be eligible for debate in the House of Commons.
The stages of creating an E-petition:
  • <!Search for existing ones before making a new one
  • Create your own e-petition
  • It will then be checked by a government department
  • It can be open for up to a year, the public can sign it and if it collects 100,000 signatures the petition could be debated in the House of Commons.

E-petitions are good because they give people that do not work for the government a chance to publicise their ideas and help make positive changes. It also helps the government think of new ideas and gives them more opinions and views they can help make the UK a better place.  
E-voting is electronic means of casting a vote and counting votes,  Electronic voting technology can include punched cards, optical scan voting systems and specialized voting kiosks. It can also involve transmission of ballots and votes by telephones, private computer networks or the Internet. Electronic voting technology can speed the counting of ballots and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. However some methods of e-voting could promote fraud because it is done through means which in some circumstances cannot be controlled.
Driving application
You can apply for a provisional driving license so you can learn to drive when you are 17 and then eventually drive your own car. You can apply for your license 3 months before your 17th birthday.
You can apply for your first British provisional driving licence online if you:
  • are a resident of Great Britain
  • can meet the minimum age requirement
  • can meet the minimum eyesight requirement
  • are currently not prevented from driving for any reason
  • can pay £50.00 by MasterCard, Visa, Electron or Delta debit or credit card
  • have a valid UK passport or another form of identity
  • can provide addresses of where you have lived over the last three years
 They also have a sub heading saying “do it online, do it quicker” all you need is:
  •  valid debit or credit card
  • your UK passport if you have one
  • your National Insurance number if you have one
  • details of previous addresses
bring able to apply online is good because it is quick and easy to do from the comfort of your own home, it is also good because it has procedures so people that are not legible for one cannot get one.

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