Thursday 22 September 2011


The internet can be used to communicate through many ways. Communication is key in modern life whether it be for business purposes or just keeping in touch with relatives and friends.  There are many ways to communicate using the internet such as social networking sites, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms and many more. The most popular way of communication through the internet is instant messaging such as msn or social networking sites such as , this is because you can send and receive messages in no time.
Instant messaging/social networking
Instant messaging/social networking has changed dramatically over the years. started of as one persons idea which developed in to a internet hit with about 750 million people using it world wide. People use it to instant message their friends, upload and share pictures and update their statuses.  Msn is a popular instant messaging site, it is easy to access and allows you to send and receive messages at lightning speeds.  You can also access your e-mail quickly and easily through msn.
Facebook is my personal favourite form of communication online,  it has instant messaging a way of uploading and sharing photo’s with your friends.
Is a method of exchanging digital messages from one person to another or several people. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the sender and the recipient both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging. E-mail today is fairly advanced but easy to use, you can attach Word documents, power points etc. you can also attach pictures or website links to share with your friends and family. Using E-mail you can check up on your orders, job information or subscribe for daily, weekly or monthly E-mails for retail websites such as Amazon.
E-mail is good for those reasons however it has disadvantages. You’re inbox can get filled with spam or virus filled documents that are harmful to your computer. E-mail is not instant so if you are waiting for something important it is not ideal.
I like E-mail because it allows me to receive information on special offers at my favourite retail websites and I receive information on upcoming sporting fixtures for my club.
Message board/ Internet forums
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They are used for people to talk about their interests such as fishing where anglers can discuss fishing tactics and brag their latest catches. Or if people have queries or questions to ask they can do so by posting them on the forum.
I personally do not use them but I could see myself using them in the future if need be.

A blog is a mix of the term web log. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other things such as pictures or videos. Blogs allow people to leave comments and message, giving people their opinions and constructive criticism.
The advantages of using a blog are that the readers can gain knowledge of a certain topic and give the “blogger” constructive criticism and advice.
The disadvantages are:
  • It involves a lot of time to update and post an entry on the blog site
  • Individuals and students may have reluctance is getting used to the technological advancements.

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