Monday 12 September 2011

Introduction to ICT

Hello I am Alex,
In my blog I shall be writing about the use of ICT in the modern world. Most people use ICT without even realising, the importance of ICT is incredible and very much taken for granted. ICT is easily accessed through PC’s and portable devices such as smart phones, notebooks, Mac books and other laptops. The internet is used for everyday life; some people use social networking sites others use it for banking or selling their items on websites like ebay or amazon. Other people may use it to do their weekly shop.  Most people use E-mail in every day like for many reasons.
ICT has had a massive impact on school life, from ICT being used in lessons for not only ICT as a subject but every other subject. Interactive white boards(smart boards) make it easier for teachers to present work and teach their students.  You can use it for homework or revision using websites such as my maths or BBC Bitesize. If you want to take your learning further you can use websites such as wikipedia to research the subject of your choice.
Businesses use ICT in everyday life, using E-mail to contact business partners, using software such as Microsoft excel or database to handle their data with ease or maybe using powerpoint for a presentation to the company.
Through smart phones the use of internet has increased dramatically. With smart phones you can easily access your facebook page or twitter or any other social networking site.  More and more business people are using smart phones to check e-mails and access Microsoft spread sheets, Word documents and power points.
Thank you for reading the introduction to my blog, I will be adding new entries weekly.

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